Life (yeah this fukin life) ..........It's all, there's nothing more than this nothing less than this, so I think there's no need to define it.. My life has seen various ups and downs, various types of moments, mentioning all those here would be impossible and would also be meaningless (just guessing). I don't know what should I write here. Although I have read some famous blogs but still I'm not getting what I should be writing here then something pops into my mind which is :
'Who gives a Damn'??
Coz is there anyone who really gives a damn about what I wrote here. Moreover, I am not sure about how many persons gonna read this... lOl. :-D
Some years ago I told one of my buddy who's named as Piyush that I am gonna write my blog. So for the sake of that statement I am starting to write with the hope that may be this way I am gonna get fame which I always aspired for right from my childhood. I was the most ignorant guy since my childhood. My friends always wondered to see me always joking around, making fun, carefree. I don't say that they were wrong and I would have also thought the same about me if I were in their shoes as they were in a lot better position than me in their life. They had achieved a lot more, they were all lot more rich than me, they all got girlfriends but only way I was ahead of them was I was more happier than all of them even when I was lacking all those luxurious things in my life. They all lived in worrying about the future, regretting about the past and I was the only one who was living happily with the present. Until my teen age gone I remained the same but after then I knew that somewhere I'm gonna suffer if I will not be able to change myself. My friend Sonu helped me in this a lot. Well I'm laughing this time because I recalled a funny thing about him that he felt embarrassed about calling his real name which was 'Santosh'. :-D I know you're also laughing there after reading this coz we all know that there's nothing to be feel embarrassed about and I know he is gonna kick my ass if he comes to read this.
Now slowly I am developing this worrying shitt in me bcoz now I know that it's time to grow up put my shit together and plan for the future. So at this phase of my life I am not completely sure that....
"Do I really mean it completely.. who gives a damn"??
But still I gotta tell you somethin..... whatever I've done in my life whatever I was before still I am not in that bad position and whatever I've seen looking at them I know they have only spent their precious moments worrying over this shit and they've got nothing just regretting from their past. Now I can see that somewhere they have started living by not worrying over anything atleast not in the times where they were supposed to be enjoying.
Serious Note: Acting upon whatever I have stated ... I'm not sure where it's gonna lead you so better not to take it seriously without thinking upon it.... LMFAO
Serious Note: Acting upon whatever I have stated ... I'm not sure where it's gonna lead you so better not to take it seriously without thinking upon it.... LMFAO
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