I know, you've never expected this kinda serious shit from me but this is the main problem around us and it's also affecting our day-to day lives that's why I can't resist myself for writing this post over (or against) corruption.
Corruption in India is like a spoilt onion, you peel the topmost layer, thinking you've got rid of it, to find the innermost layer of it, you peel to find yet another layer and so on, and peeling every layer makes the peeler(the common man), shed tears. I KNOW THIS IS DAMN IRRITATING TO US ALL.:(
India has been considered 'THE LAND OF SCAMS'. The news reports have been bombarded with a series of major scams which has recently happened in our country. CWG scam, 2G-spectrum scam, Satyam scam....... and the list is never ending. This shit was started by rich persons but the poor person tend to suffer from this..... Where is the god??? why is he sleeping??
Now those persons who thinks there exist something named as god now it's time to refresh your mind, scan this virus from your mind and stop giving charity to any religious institutions. Instead, collect all this money which hitherto you were spending over religious matters and put toghether this money for fighting against corruption. This way you're going to improve this country and make it worth living.
For fighting corruption we should adopt Bottom-Up approach instead of Top-Down approach. We should fight this from our city level. I know my whole country is suffering from this disease and my own city Almora is no exception. Everything which is connected to government department is corrupted. If you want to get a Hill-certificate to apply for any job, you have to pay some extra money on Tehsils or Kechehri(court) to get it. You have to pay a shitload of money to get a driving license even though you don't know how to ride, you just have to spend Rs 1200 to get your license. I think India is the only country where you can get driving license without even knowing how to ride. If there are other countries like our INCREDIBLE INDIA let me know. :D
This is making me sing one song from a bollywood film ....it happens only in India
But the main question is who should be blamed for this??? the corrupted politicians, government bureaucrats or general public?? I think everyone is culprit in this.
We the people of INCREDIBLE INDIA deserve this. It's only our fault despite of those scams, the people of India always chose corrupted as their leaders.
But it's time to wake up, especially this appeal is for Indian youths......put your condom on and f**k this corruption.. sorry for using this nasty language. I am on high and I can't help it. If you have guns load your magazine of gun and shoot the butt of all those corrupted ones.
If you can't do this then just legalize this corrution, make it legal.
Corruption in India is like a spoilt onion, you peel the topmost layer, thinking you've got rid of it, to find the innermost layer of it, you peel to find yet another layer and so on, and peeling every layer makes the peeler(the common man), shed tears. I KNOW THIS IS DAMN IRRITATING TO US ALL.:(
India has been considered 'THE LAND OF SCAMS'. The news reports have been bombarded with a series of major scams which has recently happened in our country. CWG scam, 2G-spectrum scam, Satyam scam....... and the list is never ending. This shit was started by rich persons but the poor person tend to suffer from this..... Where is the god??? why is he sleeping??
Now those persons who thinks there exist something named as god now it's time to refresh your mind, scan this virus from your mind and stop giving charity to any religious institutions. Instead, collect all this money which hitherto you were spending over religious matters and put toghether this money for fighting against corruption. This way you're going to improve this country and make it worth living.
For fighting corruption we should adopt Bottom-Up approach instead of Top-Down approach. We should fight this from our city level. I know my whole country is suffering from this disease and my own city Almora is no exception. Everything which is connected to government department is corrupted. If you want to get a Hill-certificate to apply for any job, you have to pay some extra money on Tehsils or Kechehri(court) to get it. You have to pay a shitload of money to get a driving license even though you don't know how to ride, you just have to spend Rs 1200 to get your license. I think India is the only country where you can get driving license without even knowing how to ride. If there are other countries like our INCREDIBLE INDIA let me know. :D
This is making me sing one song from a bollywood film ....it happens only in India
But the main question is who should be blamed for this??? the corrupted politicians, government bureaucrats or general public?? I think everyone is culprit in this.
We the people of INCREDIBLE INDIA deserve this. It's only our fault despite of those scams, the people of India always chose corrupted as their leaders.
But it's time to wake up, especially this appeal is for Indian youths......put your condom on and f**k this corruption.. sorry for using this nasty language. I am on high and I can't help it. If you have guns load your magazine of gun and shoot the butt of all those corrupted ones.
If you can't do this then just legalize this corrution, make it legal.